The shopping mall is the new church

“The shopping mall is the new church” – when I first heard that statement I was like what? It took me quite some time to figure it out, but actually it makes a lot of sense.

So consumerism and the need to shop has become the new faith in practice. It is evident and felt, especially on the weekends when you can hardly shop comfortably as it is so busy, and every one else has the same idea that you had. Britain is known to be a Christian nation, but is this the case anymore? The only people I know that still go to church and follow a faith are my grandparents.

This generation seems to have become stuck and lost in what they are doing, most people hardly even know who they are anymore. The constant ‘want’ to be and have for drives humanity insane, whether they realise it or not, so undoubtedly the shopping mall is the new church in today’s world.

And how can this change? Well if more people speak up that is definitely a great place to start. Sitting back and remaining quiet doesn’t solve a thing, and having the attitude of ‘what’s the point, how can I make a difference on my own?’ is not the right way either. Imagine if everyone felt like this, it would be an awful place to live in.

Life is beautiful as I constantly express throughout my blog, but only when it is lived to the full capacity. It’s about seeing, and not only looking. To get in touch with our higher self is a magnificent experience, which can be reached and accessed by going to church, repenting our sins and salvation and letting go of the baggage that sits on so many of our shoulders.

It really doesn’t have to be that difficult, we just make it that way.

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