Why wait? Do it today! There is no better moment than the present

There is nothing worse than when you have an inner buzz inside of you that craves to achieve something huge. You have the ideas, you have the right circle of people around you but all you lack is time. Time. Time. Time.

Time – what a frustrating commodity in life, but without it there would be no sense of structure. We need time like we need oxygen. It helps in keeping things moving along, just like the days of the year helps us track our lives. However there is one thing that human nature is continuously guilty of committing, and that is procrastination.

I’ll do it tomorrow, or maybe next week when I have done some new research.

Same excuses time and time again, and we are all more than likely guilty of it. Of course, we are not robots, so we cannot always get the things done we would like to we have to be patient and persist with time.

But we can add more fuel to our fire, because time does cost money and there is no better moment to do something than right now. Why wait? If you want something you have to get up and go and get it, because no one else will make it happen for you!

Put your actions where you thoughts are, and achieve amazing things. It’s just an overwhelming feeling too wen you look back and realise how easy it was just to change the mindset and take that extra step, that extra mile even to get to where you really want to be.

Motion is Emotion

Motion is Emotion.

Huh, what does that mean? Can you remember the countless times when you have sat there, usually not up-right, and you feel like the whole world is against you. Give it an hour or so when you’re walking through the local park with the fresh air brushing your face and instantly you feel alive again.

An inspirational guy called Tony Robbins once used this quote in explaining how human beings reflect their emotional well-being with how they treat their body. By jumping out of bed in the morning and going for a run you set up the day as you mean to go on. You usually find the more you sit in-front of the TV the lazier you feel. There is no energy bursting to be used, and you find yourself comfort eating just to bide some time. Yet the busier you are, the higher your work load the more ammunition you have to exceed your comfortable limits of achievement.

How do you keep on top of all of those things – your academic work, your paid job as well as having a great social life? I couldn’t do it.

But that is wrong. Yes you can. We are the ones that decide what it is we want to believe or not. We can push the boundaries and tell ourselves – promptly – what it is we wish to achieve in any given day.

Bring out the best of you and show the world exactly what you’re made of – it will be worth it when you look back.
