What makes you truly happy?

It can take a while figuring out what makes you truly happy, and quite often until you’ve experimented you may not ever know. It’s the same for job choices. We may get an internship somewhere with a company we thought we would never work for, but when we try something different there’s a chance of us finding ourselves or discovering skills you never knew existed.

I’m 42, and I still don’t know if this is the right job for me.

One of my parents friends said that to me, and I was a little shocked. Generally it’s thought that during your 20s you are chasing that dream career, and when you get to your 30s/40s you’re quite settled and content with most areas of your life. But that doesn’t apply to everyone!

– Life is all about balance –

A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Mixing things up a bit and keeping it alive and real. It’s important to not let things become a habit or routine in your life to the point you feel that something isn’t right but your too stuck in a rut to change anything. It can feel disappointing when your instinct disagrees with your current situation and change is frightening.

We only accept what we choose to accept.
