You are what you eat

We can be very easily swayed nowadays to just pick up the quickest thing that comes our way to fill us up, which is usually fast food. What most of us don’t realise is the high impact eating junk can have on our bodies, and how it has an effect on almost every area of our life. It affects us mentally too as the ingredients we consume all individually create different emotions, cravings and other bizarre yet uncontrollable desires. If we eat clean we tend to think clean because we feel good about ourselves. It all has a knock-on effect which ultimately, has a positive influence on our lives.

It can be so easy to drive through the drive-thru at Mcdonald’s and quickly pick up a cheap deal that can then be eaten in no more than 5 minutes. Then most of us feel guilty afterwards so we feel down about it, in an unconscious way, which can then fire lots of negative emotions instead of making you feel alive and fresh.

So the clichĂ© saying ‘you are what you eat’ really does have relevance to our everyday lives, because in essence, we are what we eat. The people you see running down the street every morning training hard physically, they are also training themselves mentally to be productive and to be disciplined within their own bodies. Training our minds can be challenging because we can constantly be faced with drawbacks, but it’s important we don’t let the badness get in our way. Keep moving forward and keep striving, if today is a bad day, tomorrow is another day.

Most of us are so close to reaching success but we give up. Don’t be that person! Be the controller of what you consume into your body, everything you intake has to be processed and broken down in a way to be utilised. Lets use our energy in a way we truly desire rather than stunting ourselves because of irrational and quick decisions.