Traditions are changing

Isn’t it wonderful how traditions are changing? Women no longer have to rely on men for empowerment or recognition, as women are now breadwinners as are men. In my grandparents time it was a norm for women to stay at home and manage the family while the men went out to work. Duties were split heavily and both people knew their roles. Now the roles seem to be blurred and shared a lot more – there is a greater deal of equality, which in my opinion, is for the better.

I know hear many of my friends telling me how they can’t wait to get on their career ladder and marriage and children will be coming much later in their life. This mentality is VERY different to how it used to be as the paradigm has shifted and women are now just as much business-minded as are men. It has meant, however, that men and women (in a lot of situations) are sharing more stress as they both work, they both manage the home and the both have to bring up their children. This consequently could mean that children are spending less time with their parents and more time with a nanny, so whether this is a great transformation in society for the children involved is unknown.

All that is entirely true is that times have changed and will only continue to change. Women and men are swapping roles and to be honest, it’s very hard to keep up. Expectations fluctuate but all that remains true, and true to me as a person, is I will always remain myself – Miss Gemma Leigh Smith and continue to be the best person I can be!