Listening to our thoughts to guide us

We all must of experienced that little thought inside our heads that just informs us of a situation, a decision or sparks a thought to mind. It can encourage us to act on impulse, and whilst many of us naturally respond well to our thoughts, many also consistently reject them and doubt their initial ideas.

Researching into these unexpected thoughts that appear in our minds, I discovered just how important they were.

Always listen to your instinct.

This is exactly the same thing. It’s our intuition. It’s our soul – that little voice inside of our head – that is carefully trying to guide us in the right direction. And this ‘little voice’ is very rarely wrong.

It’s difficult at times to act upon our gut instinct because of many other factors within the human nature.

We fall in love and we may not meet the right guy for us, but we are so happy and comfortable we cannot possibly imagine finding someone better. Or we may be around a group of friends and get a bad vibe from them, or sense that they are not good for you and you should walk away but peer pressure doesn’t allow us to.

The bottom line of this problem comes down to one thing that we can improve as part of personal development: learning to be more strong-minded and to do only what’s right for us. Putting number one first, lead by example and the rest will follow.