Living in duty free

“There’s two things in this world that are guaranteed, death and taxes.” – Meet Joe Black, 1998.

Imagine living in a tax-free world. The greed that exists in society tears people and relationships apart, that’s why it’s good to not let your life be run by money. And that’s where our government goes wrong and all of those with political power. They can and do cover up their spends just to avoid paying tax, but ordinary citizens in society don’t stand a chance. It’s completely and morally wrong.

The amount of flaws in the tax system is insanely aggravating and unethical. The fact that there is such thing as inheritance tax when someone dies and leaves money and half goes to the government, when the person/people leaving behind the money or assets has worked hard, payed tax while working yet more tax is still to be paid. It’s CRAZY.

So imagine the life of living duty free. There is no such thing, but there can be in the mind. We can choose to not let the restrictions and rules that is set by the system to bother us or upset us, we can live a life of freedom in our minds, be peaceful and happy and not be beaten, because that’s what they want to happen – for ordinary citizens who has to pay into the system to get bothered by it. They want people to be stalled from living a happy and carefree life – they love the idea of us being stressed.

So remember happiness is the most important thing in life – to you and your loved ones. Support one another, learn the rules and avoid these rules (legally complying) the most you can!!

Having a cluttered life = a cluttered mind

Declutter your life. It will probably be one of the most valuable things you could ever do. But what exactly do I mean by the term declutter?

Relating this to a personal experience, I am a holder. I love to hold on to just about anything – from old Whatsapp conversations to my old wardrobe that I had when I was eight years old. I hold onto everything and it seems to be a problem of mine. Some sort of addiction, and it all comes down to one thing, not knowing how to let go.

I’ve realised by living this way it clutters my mind and it makes me stressed without even realising it. I have so much going on inside and outside of my life it’s hard for anything else to come into it. When things leave your life new things arise, as they say, as one door shuts another opens. And this is a fact.

So if I can tell anyone this I will tell myself – declutter life to declutter the mind, have a healthier mind. Your soul will be able to breath and so will your thoughts. They will not be halted at every breath but instead will be able to run wild, imagination will grow and creativity will flourish.

Passion is the main driving force 

This guy that I know has such a huge aura of passion I can feel his energy from a mile off. I admire that about him, he speaks with such dignity, confidence and belief, that every word that comes out of his mouth I cannot help but to feel inspired. And that’s what I think is missing in a lot of our society.

To be a good public speaker, speaking with passion can make the world of a difference. Connect with the crowd, they’re not strangers, they are human beings just like you and me waiting for that connection to bring them closer to you even if they are miles apart.

‘It’s all about the little things’ is a common, over-used phrase but it definitely defines so much about life. You can make such a huge impact to somebody else’s day just by blessing them with “have a lovely day”. Or you could hold open a door for a stranger, help them with a bag or lend a person a pen if you seen them searching through their bag for one.

If you carry passion with you on every step you take throughout your life it will be very hard to go wrong. Passion is a positive emotion and will only attract more positive situations and people into your life. So keep the passion high, know your goals and have your reason of ‘why’ you’re doing something right at the forefront of your mind if you ever get close to doubt.

Appreciating the smaller things – our body, mind and soul

When you walk into a hospital and you look around and you see all those in need of help, they feel sick, hurt in more ways that can possibly be imagined, does that make you feel grateful for your health? ‘Our health is our wealth’ – a common phrase that is often looked over and not really digested as knowledge. Without our health how are we ever expected to enjoy our wealth? We’re not. So many of us don’t wake up and be thankful for our health and for another day, when it is something that we should constantly be grateful for. It’s a treasure, a gift that so many people would love to have, so surely we shouldn’t take it for granted?

This leads on to commodities that we dress ourselves up in to make us fit in, but also make us feel good. We can get so stressed and upset if an outfit doesn’t go the way we planned, or if we haven’t got the right jewellery accessories to match, but in-fact none of that is important. All that matters is that we are happy on the inside and with ourselves, which will miraculously shine on the outside and whole world will feel it, see it and you will see those around you bounce off your positivity.

We should value our happiness and our well-being, give it an equal importance to say a business meeting. I cannot list the amount of people I know who complain about their health yet they do nothing about it, they sit back and wait for it to get worse and worse. What makes a business meeting more important than going to see the doctor or seeking help? The answer to that is beyond my knowledge.

So let’s start to get our priorities straight and appreciate the smaller things in life, the things that we may not necessarily think about – our body, our mind and our beautiful souls that we have all been blessed with.



‘Tranquility’ – Looking after number 1

Such a simple title but it’s what we all crave in life.

Why do millions of people every year jet off away from their home country to a different place? Just for a ‘peaceful’ and for a more tranquil time. It’s a break-away. That trip that has been saved for a long time and you find yourself counting down the days as it slowly creeps up on you.

Through some investigations recently I realised that it isn’t always about paying a lot of money just to book that dream holiday to shut off your mind and relax. You can do it in the very own comfort of your home.

When you think about your favourite music – the sort you really feel most at ease to – or a certain individual who wants to come round and enjoy a pamper night in or a game of poker. Relaxing your mind can be priceless, and we should all be doing it a lot more often as active human beings. Finding time for yourself is number one, because if you don’t look after you no one else will.

So why not go and take out 10 minutes, or even 30 if you can, to lye on your bed and read a chapter of your book and light some scented candles. It’s about giving your mind, body and soul that cutoff point it needs to recharge, cleanse and think things through with clarity.