Geneva, Switzerland

There’s Magic In The Mountains At Geneva

10 Swiss Snaps To Steal Your Heart

Switzerland is a picturesque country with spectacular scenery and lots to do. From the beautiful Christmas lights to the exquisite restaurants, the heart of the Geneva City will capture you, for sure.

Jet d’Eau is Geneva’s famous large fountain that stands out from miles away! It is an iconic landmark, attracting tourists from all over the world. No wonder why.


Surrounded by nature and all of its beauty, Lake Geneva at night will take your breath away. The Christmas lights compliment it too, adding the perfect sparkle to your night.


Does this tree fascinate you, just a bit? Thought so. This tall broad tree stood in the heart of Geneva, giving it an extra ‘cultural edge’. Just admirable.


Can you see what I can see in the far distance? That’s right, it’s a mountain with snow on top! (Not the average view in a hotel!) So appreciate Geneva’s mountainous views.


That tree is back…and they light up, in every colour! What a treat, while enjoying a nice stroll along the tranquil and fresh streets of Geneva.


Geneva’s Harbour is pure bliss, to say the least. This is a romantic spot but also works well for some alone time to just ‘be’. Or to enjoy a cruise. The possibilities here are endless.



Ignore the chilling looking sky; check out that boat with the Swiss flag at the bow! I guess this is one way to show off cultural heritage in style!


This is just a glimpse of the mind-blowing Christmas lights that surround the city. Lights, lights and more lights. It will certainly light up your life being there…


To say that the Swiss food is to-die-for would be an understatement. As many other countries surround Switzerland, the diverse food choices will suit every need.



Don’t leave Geneva without going ice-skating! Situated in the core of Parc des Bastions, the nature around you may just make you slip on the ice (but don’t worry, it’ll be worth it)!


Natural beauty

Natural beauty – isn’t this something everyone should be proud of us. I mean, how fantastic is it that there is only one of us. There is no double, no recreation, no one that thinks in the same way as us, no one that looks the way that we do, don’t you just love yourself?

The misconception people have about loving oneself is that it is a beautiful thing, and a beautiful journey. How can you expect to love somebody else if you cannot find the love from within to love yourself? You find the beauty within you so you are able to find the beauty in others, and it’s a beautiful quality to have.

With the media being so pressurising and influential in how we are supposed to look and fit in, many girls and even guys can feel intimidated by their appearance and that they are simply not good enough. They feel as though they always have to keep up and compete, which is why school, college and university has somewhat turned into a miniature fashion parade but a daunting one.

This monopolises and has an effect on parents who face the moaning from their children asking for a new this or a new that, just because their friends has one or the latest ‘in thing’. It isn’t fair, but what we should be teaching our children and even our friends is that every one is beautiful just the way they are and those who don’t confine and don’t copy are even more unique and special, because it’s about being happy in your own skin no matter what society surrounds you in.

Keep smiling and keep believing because natural beauty really is amazing. And what is even more credible is that confidence as a trait is the most attractive trait in the world. You could have all the looks but have no personality to radiate and share, making you instantly unattractive, boring and just like every other person who strives just to look good. Be different and stand out, and love who you are.