Dating through a catalogue – harmful or harmless?

Is the online world of dating going just a little too far? How are dating apps like Tinder having an effect on the younger generation? Continue reading

Natural beauty

Natural beauty – isn’t this something everyone should be proud of us. I mean, how fantastic is it that there is only one of us. There is no double, no recreation, no one that thinks in the same way as us, no one that looks the way that we do, don’t you just love yourself?

The misconception people have about loving oneself is that it is a beautiful thing, and a beautiful journey. How can you expect to love somebody else if you cannot find the love from within to love yourself? You find the beauty within you so you are able to find the beauty in others, and it’s a beautiful quality to have.

With the media being so pressurising and influential in how we are supposed to look and fit in, many girls and even guys can feel intimidated by their appearance and that they are simply not good enough. They feel as though they always have to keep up and compete, which is why school, college and university has somewhat turned into a miniature fashion parade but a daunting one.

This monopolises and has an effect on parents who face the moaning from their children asking for a new this or a new that, just because their friends has one or the latest ‘in thing’. It isn’t fair, but what we should be teaching our children and even our friends is that every one is beautiful just the way they are and those who don’t confine and don’t copy are even more unique and special, because it’s about being happy in your own skin no matter what society surrounds you in.

Keep smiling and keep believing because natural beauty really is amazing. And what is even more credible is that confidence as a trait is the most attractive trait in the world. You could have all the looks but have no personality to radiate and share, making you instantly unattractive, boring and just like every other person who strives just to look good. Be different and stand out, and love who you are.

Individualism and being who you want to be

Do you ever feel the pressure to look good and fit in? I do, quite a lot, but I choose to ignore those signals and focus on being me and developing my own look.

So many people idolise others and look up to their tastes that they barely know who they are and what they like. You see young girls and boys look up to their elders with fashion, or their older brother and sister and copy they’re style.

Children go to school nowadays and it is very rare that you know of anyone who doesn’t have an iPhone or a tablet at home, where the media has distilled images and propaganda into their heads of ‘how they should look’ and of other celebrities who are a size 0.

A woman should be a woman though right? Comfortable in her own jeans, love the skin she’s in and be happy to be natural. There has been many surveys in the past where it’s facts that guys prefer natural looking women with curves, not plastic Barbie dolls that take 5 hours just to get ready for 1 night out. Surely there’s more to life.

So be you and don’t be afraid to reveal yourself because you’re beautiful. Don’t worry about what others say or think, be individual because there is only one of you. It’s boring to copy everyone else, it makes them all the same so let them be. Let them be whilst you sit back and admire all the ‘followers of fashion’, whilst you wear what you feel comfortable in and keep your hair the way you like it.

It’s not to say that fashion isn’t a good thing because it is, it’s amazing and it’s great that we have so much information on news trends and on how to look good wearing a particular fashion item. But it’s when trends and fashion statements are taken too far and driven into the heads of the vulnerable, where they have no sense of being or individualism. And all they are good at being is ‘like somebody else’.

So love the skin you’re in, and be who you want to be because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE AND OUT.