The past is history, the future is a mystery…

Today is a gift that’s why they call it the present, did you know that? Every day is a new fresh start and it doesn’t matter about yesterday because new doors will be open to you.

Of course it’s essential to consider and remember you past as it has helped shape who you are, but today is where the power lies, and it all starts from within.

God has made you and placed you on this planet for a purpose. Each of us has a purpose and it may take us many years to figure that out or we may not ever figure it out.

I imagine that if we dip our fingers into many loop holes and explore avenues we will find our way eventually, or even be born with a natural talent that we seek to excel or we may even feel inspired on the daily with an intuitive thought pushing us in a certain direction.

Either one it can be difficult following a dream that you want to achieve in your life, because most of us are afraid of what we can do rather than what we can’t.

Tomorrow is certainly a mystery and that’s what’s thrilling about the whole life experience. Things change rapidly – as most of you have probably realised for yourself – and where you are right now doesn’t mean it’s where you have to be tomorrow, and it all starts with a shift in the thought process. Believe in yourself and others will start to believe in you.

The media can be tantalising – every day most of us feel worried about the Middle East and what the people are going through over there. Innocent civilians are leaving in fear every day in Syria wondering if they have any future at all. Russia and Ukraine continue their battle and the world live in fear over President Putin and his decision-making which has potential to overturn the world. We never know what tomorrow will bring, so we just have to accept what is and pray for a bright and peaceful message to swamp the world so we can all live in harmony and at ease.

Don’t focus on the product focus on the process

*Inspired and reference to Louis Alexander*

Do you ever get caught up in the end result, right at the end of the road and invest all of your time and energy into achieving it? I think most of us do at some points of our life, but what are we missing whilst getting caught up in ‘further down the line’? Why don’t we just enjoy the journey more?

For example, at university we are there for one main purpose: to get the Bachelors or Masters we need for that dream/desired job. Many of us just worry about getting a First or a 2:1 at the end of the degree so that we can apply and be successful, but what most fail to recognise is that we are missing out on so much by not living in the moment.

Of course planning is essential and having it subconsciously in our thoughts what grade we want to achieve, but all the bits in between are just as important. When you look back in years to come you’ll probably find it’s not the result you remember but the process of getting there. The highs and lows you encountered until you reached the final destination. The moments that shaped you as a person, changed you, enlightened you and most of all challenged you. From experience and thorough reading, those are the aspects that are most important.

And I believe if you are going to make it you’ll make it on the way. There is no need to wait but if you inject your mind and soul with your passion and desires, you shall naturally end in the right place.

So live, love, laugh. Like you would have heard many of times. Be yourself and do what you love best, and you will find out so much about yourself you never previously knew, which is worth so much more than what any senior lecturer can teach you in an institution.

Theory cannot be proven without practice.

The future of today

Isn’t it mad when you look back at how generations are changing? So fast you may not even feel the changes, but when you take the time out you can certainly reflect and take note. It’s scary.

How times have moved forward from my grandparents era when traditionally people got together quite often, didn’t have technology to communicate, probably didn’t have half as many gadgets as we have access to nowadays but they were content. No one is to say growing up in today’s world we are more unhappy compared to the past because that’s not true. But we could question, are we living in an information overloaded society?

It’s crazy when I’m out and about and I see the amount of couples who are conversation-less, short of a few words and so sit and alienate themselves on their electronic devices. Are people forgetting how to communicate and appreciate the now? Has technology usage gone too far? Or is it just a lack of balance that needs to be reinforced into modern society?

All these thoughts remain unsolved and so people continue to capture their moments on their mobile phones or cameras without truly admiring what’s in front of them. They look but they don’t see. They’re too worried about impressing other people or posting it on the virtual community.

Journalism has all shifted online as more and more media outlets place a larger emphasize on the online platform, as this form is being utilized on a bigger scale.

Forgetting about traditional forms may or may not be a bad thing as we have to keep in line with the paradigm shifts. We have to keep up. My only issue is that it moves that fast I can barely keep track of the latest item that’s “in” or how we are bombarded with multiple bad news every morning and every afternoon. Do journalists have enough time to accurately produce their founded “truth-telling” story or is a lack of credibility the case? Are they faced with too much pressure? It’s certainly debatable.

Capturing the moment

How many times have you seen someone stand there at a concert or in front of a performer, not even watching them through their own eyes because they’re too concerned with capturing them on camera? Countless times? Are you a victim?

It is crazy how the present moment is so precious yet not as appreciated as it ought to be. I cannot say that I have never done it because I have filmed people before, but I have grown up to realise how I wasn’t thankful for what was in front of me as much as I should have been. A lot of the time we look but we don’t see. Technology today has driven us that insane that we communicate electronically probably more than we do in reality. Meetings are moving online. Note taking in lectures are going online. TV is online. Where will that develop in a few generations to come?

On the contrast, the new way to enjoy life experiences via online has been a brilliant transformation. It has opened up many doors for people were not previously there, and gives us more choice and availability’s in our day-to-day life. Sometimes we need to sit back and know when to stop and when to shut off. When to stop living for the future, planning for tomorrow, living in a time-consumed society where we never truly appreciate the NOW.

The power of the present is the answer to many people’s happiness. There is no worry and no fear in the present moment. If there is something you can change, act on it. If there isn’t, why worry? Learning to express yourself and be the best version of you is the most important thing.

Knowing the net-worth of what you can see.

Being interested not interesting!