Build your team

There is no I in TEAM is there? You may have the best idea and the best strategic plan, but without your initial team to help you strive for it and achieve your dream you will never make it no matter how hard you try.

It really is true that communication, contacts and networking is the most valuable asset any one person can have, and this even accounts for students studying trying to get their qualifications. You may be the best writer in the world, but unless you know the right people and you have good skills to help you get recognised, it may only be your bedroom that knows how much of a talented writer you are.

When you analyse any talent that is universally known, behind the scenes they have their teams to do work for them. For example, Justin Bieber takes photographs while he is out and about, but I can almost guarantee you it isn’t him that posts his stuff up on Facebook and Twitter – he will have a Social Media manager who schedules them and tags them in the appropriate way to boost SEO about him as an artist.

See, having a team makes things easier for you and it all starts with association. ‘Association breeds similarity’ – and quite literally – if you have a team of people that share the same vision as you, believe in you and WANT to help you make it, will they not do everything in their power to ensure that happens? Of course they will. Yet if you surround yourself with ’empty’ individuals who have no enthusiasm about what you’re doing, are not willing to help you at times of need and don’t give you enough time of day – I’m pretty sure they will be of little use to you, if any at all.

So build your team and make things happen for you faster. Build that ‘collective intelligence’ within your circle of friends, which can be done by working out who is good at what and helping one another to reach your full potential.